

Use Cases

Ariadne works with leading hotels to digitalize operations and take data-driven decisions.

Guest Navigation

Ariadne Navigation enables you to offer a better experience to your guests via navigating them to their destinations with great convenience, shorter routes

Push Notifications

Notifications based on location and history are to be pushed, e.g., happy to host you again, enjoy your 20% discount, or, breakfast is to start in 20 minutes, here are the directions…

Review and Feedback

To improve your service, short online surveys can be pushed to your guests and their feedback can be received, e.g., how would you rate your experience with the pool today…

Strategy Optimization

Identify which of your actions, services or promotions bring you the best return, dwell time and loyalty, and work on the most reasonable one

Guest Familiarity

Encourage your guests to enjoy your hotel and increase spending via introducing and promoting your amenities, venues and services.

Conversion Funnel

Let your concessionaires acquire their conversion funnel of customers, and base your lease agreements on Ariadne’s traffic data